chidiogo Marycynthia

Writer & Blogger

what are smart contracts,

What Are Smart Contracts? | The Ultimate Guide to Blockchain Automation in 2024

In the world of blockchain and decentralized technology, you’ve likely come across the term “smart contracts.” But what exactly are they, and why are they so important in the evolving landscape of digital transactions? Let’s dive into the world of smart contracts, exploring what they are, how they work, and the opportunities they present for you are to leverage on it in this digital age. Key Points What Are Smart Contracts? Smart contracts automatically execute agreements by coding the contract terms onto a blockchain, streamlining processes and transactions. What Are Smart Contracts on the Blockchain? Imagine a traditional contract, like...

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what is blockchain and how it works.

What Is a Blockchain? : How It Works, Origin & Types

Imagine you’re at a party, and everyone at the party has their own notepad. Each time someone makes a transaction—let’s say you buy a drink for your friend—everyone at the party writes it down on their notepad. No one can erase or change what’s on their notepad, and everyone agrees on what’s on the notepad. This is, in essence, how blockchain works—a digital ledger that’s secure, transparent, and decentralized. Key Points What Is Blockchain Technology? Blockchain technology is like the backbone of the party mentioned above. But instead of people, you have computers (often called nodes) scattered all over the...

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The best crypto movies of 2024

11 Best Crypto Movies of 2024

Cryptocurrencies have gone from being a small niche to becoming a key part of modern finance and technology. This growth has also reached popular culture, giving rise to an exciting and informative genre of crypto movies. In 2024, the best crypto movies gained significant attention, serving as educational and entertainment tools. The significance of these movies lies in their ability to demystify complex concepts and present them in an engaging format, thus enhancing public understanding and interest in the crypto world. Key Points The Best Crypto Movies of 2024 After watching one of the latest crypto movies, I was blown...

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Crypto farming

Crypto Farming Explained | Earn Higher Yields Safely with Proven Strategies (2024 Guide)

Have you noticed how traditional savings accounts offer very low interest rates? In contrast, crypto farming can provide significantly higher returns on your investments. If you are looking for a business to invest in in 2024, I suggest you leverage the digital space or learn new things about the advancing world. Well, I understand; I was once there in 2020, overwhelmed with how fast the world was moving while I felt I was moving slowly. Don’t panic; you are not alone. When you finish reading this article, you will learn more about crypto farming, its mechanisms, the growing trend of...

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